According to FlyLords, fly fishing in the United States has seen significant growth in recent years, including 11% growth in 2020 alone.

We are seeing this trend in the Midwest as well, with lots of new anglers joining the realm of fly fishing. While this does give potential for more crowding on some of our rivers, lakes, and streams, this growth should be considered a win. Now, with more and more active fly anglers, we have more opportunity to advocate for clean water, native species, and conservation of wild spaces (Organizations like Trout Unlimited, Iowa's Coldwater Conservancy, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, the Iowa Smallmouth Alliance are great organizations to check out).

In light of this, we have started to release videos in our MIDWEST 101 Fly Fishing series. These videos include basics of fly fishing, how-to videos, and other educational resources meant for the Midwest fly angler's benefit.

While not all videos have been released yet, videos in this MIDWEST 101 series will include:
-Fly Selection
-Fly Rod and Reel Selection
-Fly Lines, Leaders, and Tippet Material
-Fly Fishing Lakes in the Midwest and in Iowa
-Fly Fishing Rivers in the Midwest and in Iowa
-Fly Fishing for Trout in the Midwest and in Iowa
-Public vs Private Waters in Iowa
-Taking Care of Our Waters

Be sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube content!
These videos will be added to our YouTube Channel throughout the upcoming months. If you have any other basic fly fishing things you would like to see addressed, be sure to let us know.
Fishing Report
Click here for the Iowa DNR's Fishing Report (04/04/2024)
Local Reservoirs: Continually warming water temperatures will only make reservoir fishing better and better as we push towards summer.
Local Ponds: Our pond fishing is continuing to improve with warming water temperatures. The months of April and May can be incredible pond fishing. As temperatures warm, keep an eye out for spawning fish and try to give them some space.
Check the DNR's fish local page for a list of public waterbodies to explore.
Des Moines River: Spin fisherman have been catching tons of walleye over the past few months. I think the low water has made for accessible fishing holes for shore anglers. Look for white bass and wipers bites to pick up as the water temps approach the 50s and 60s in upcoming weeks and months.
Driftless Trout Streams (NE Iowa):
Baetis and midge patterns will be good options, and don't be surprised to see fish up on the surface, especially on warmer, cloudy days. Flows are still very low and you will likely have to fish long leaders and light tippet to spooky fish.
-Copper John (14-18)
-Pink Squirrel (14-18)
-Woolly Buggers
-Parachute Adams (14-20)
Be sure to abide by Iowa's state fishing regulations, and know before you go.